Friday, February 18, 2011

I wish I had gotten a picture of that .........

You have spent the countless hours preparing for the big event. Now the guests have started to arrive. Oh my gosh you are running around attending to all the guests. You take a quick glance back and think to yourself ........ I have to remember to take some pictures. Everything looks so beautiful!

Believe me I have been there. Torn between enjoying my child's party and taking some memorable photos. Sometimes it's just impossible to do it all. After all you want to be a good host and enjoy the days events. Little Chickie Photography will let you do just that.

I will arrive 45 minutes prior to when the party start time is. This time will be spent photographing all your hard work. The beautiful decorations, the cake, the party favors and of course the guest of honor preparing for their big day. These are the photos that will begin to tell the story. For 2 to 4 hours after it's all about photographing in a photojournalist style. Candid and unposed photos capturing the kids and adults enjoying the special celebration. Once the festivities begin and the fun unfolds you don't want to be worrying about capturing all of that. Why not allow a professional to provide you with beautiful memories.